52歌赋>英语词典>running mate翻译和用法

running mate

英 [ˈrʌnɪŋ meɪt]

美 [ˈrʌnɪŋ meɪt]

n.  (美国)竞选伙伴; (尤指)副总统候选人




    • (美国)竞选伙伴;(尤指)副总统候选人
      (in the US) a person who is chosen by the candidate in an election, especially that for president, to support them and to have the next highest political position if they win
      1. The presidential nominee was advised to choose a woman as a running mate.


    • N-COUNT 竞选伙伴
      In an election campaign, a candidate'srunning mateis the person that they have chosen to help them in the election. If the candidate wins, the running mate will become the second most important person after the winner.
      1. ...Clinton's selection of Al Gore as his running mate.



    • a nominee for the lesser of two closely related political offices


      • One after the other, leaders of the other groups present stood up and firmly endorsed Obama and his running mate, Senator Biden.
      • A few days before Barack Obama was to announce his choice for Vice President, he was asked at a North Carolina town meeting what qualities he wanted in a running mate.
      • In choosing the homespun Sarah Palin as his running mate, Mr McCain emphasised Mr Obama's distance from country-and-western America.
      • It also, however, has its limits, which Frank discovers to his detriment when he publicly humiliates his choice for vice presidential running mate and the former prot é g é turns against him in a spectacular way.
      • Wallace had asked him to be his running mate.
      • Senator John McCain seemed to suggest that aimed at a fund-raiser in New Mexico this week that his former rival would make a good running mate.
      • All online, a party platform will be drafted, and the field of candidates will be narrowed down to six. Each of those six will choose a running mate& from a different party.
      • Powell also said he was voting for Obama because of Senator McCain's decision to tap Governor Palin as his running mate.
      • Meanwhile, McCain's vice presidential running mate, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, campaigned in Colorado and said she and McCain would fight to keep taxes low as the best way to grow the economy.
      • Introducing his running mate against the backdrop of the USS Wisconsin on Saturday, Mitt Romney flubbed his easiest line: Join me in welcoming the next president of the United States.